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Project Lost - Helping Youths to Find the Light in their Life

Project Lost

Project Lost is an applied theatre workshop that is catered for youths of divorced families. It is targeted for Youths aged from 12-18 years old

In Project Lost, youths facing negative effects of being in a divorced family are given a chance to express themselves and the stories they hold.

Through the use of playback - process drama, we allow youths to explore more about their problems and issues. Giving them a platform to find alternatives and explore ways to solve their problems.

Project Lost spans over 15 sessions in 4 months.  In this workshop, the youths and the theatre facilitators/actors will explore 7 issues that is prevalent in divorced families

Issues being explored

  1. Fights that occurs in a divorced family
  2. What is the cause of separation?
  3. Who should be blamed for the divorce?
  4. How am I feeling?
  5. Friends - do they mock or support?
  6. Where can I find emotional/psychological support?
  7. My family is still my family.

Objectives of Project Lost

  • To allow youths to explore about the negative effects of divorce
  • To allow youths to find alternatives and understandings to the solutions of the issues that they face being in a divorce family
  • To allow youths to seek enlightenment and insights through experiences and the process of applied theatre


Project Lost will be piloted in Children At Risk  Empowerment Association, Singapore.


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